Údržba multifunkčních zařízení

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailSML/2023/010803. 05. 2023CPSystem a.s.1 815 000,001 500 000,001 815 000,001 500 000,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailHINET spol. s r.o.Praha72 403,9859 838,00CZK
DetailCPSystem a.s.Praha36 348,4030 040,00CZK
DetailPavel KalnýPraha59 181,1048 910,00CZK
DetailLukáš ČernýPraha42 604,1035 210,00CZK
DetailDATECO SERVICES s.r.o.Praha131 060,91108 314,80CZK
DetailRobert SanisloPraha76 078,7562 875,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

SML/2023/01082023122 185,00100 979,34